"Cats language" secret ways to communication with cats and know what they are thinking
every world have a Specific ways to communication , also the cats have .. they like every world need a language to communicate with each other
there is a device to know cats language it's cost 175 $ but i will tell you the ways communication with cats .. it's a simple language we can parting it to three kind of language ( body language , voice language, Sign language )
1- body language
a) normal mood :
Raise the ear , Poise tail , Straighter Harbhe and Stability of tentacles on the ground
b) Attack mode:
Tail works like in a counter poise to the center of gravity and direction to the highest
Fur sleek body and reflects the confidence to do with the cat
Sharp sounds
c) happy mood :
Eyes reflect when you contact them confidence
Tail relaxed and slung down
Ear in the case of vigilance and receiving psychotropic
2- voice language
a) Shout female cats after completion of the mating process: a healthy sign to complete the mating
b) meow with Directed slightly tongue in front of cats means : hungry
c) meow meow meow meow for kittens means :need my mama
3-Sign language
a) Making it's hand forward means : Peace
b) Drape hands down the body with seating stability means: complacency and lack of need of any kind.
c) On closing one eye meaning: a exclamation.?!
d) Closing the eyes together meaning: welcome.
e) Tail wag quickly means: narrow , Tail slowly shook meaning: harmony
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